Dual Credit students prepare for finals

Nick Young

Wednesday night, TCU, SMU, and Austin College admissions officers are going to be presenting for an Frisco ISD virtual college night.

Ana Cuen, Managing Editor

The end of the school year entails AP testing, projects, and papers for students on campus, but finals are not on the agenda for students in Frisco ISD. However, for students in Dual Credit Collin College classes, finals begin next week where they are beginning preparing for them. 

“We have a timed final in my government class,” senior Luke Blasingame said. “I’ve been reviewing the study guide materials and reading the textbook, but I have noticed that every final is different for every Dual Credit class I have taken, so I try to study for my finals based on how that test will be structured.”

Rather than taking a test, senior Rachel Wilson has a different type of final for her English class. 

“I have a seven page paper where we come up with our own prompt to write about the reflects all of the units and uses at least three of about 10 readings for each unit,” she said. “I’ve been trying to do piece by piece, over time, just to make sure that it’s very thorough, so I can get the best grade that I can because it’s going be one of my final grades for my senior year.”

Finals are a new thing to adjust to for FISD students, but senior Sara Aldana is not phased with her previous AP exam experience. 

“So for my test we have to study a lot because we need to cover a lot of the material we studied in World Lit ll,” Aldana said. “I’m going all the way back to poems and other texts, and I have had to review some texts that I saw and really take the time to understand what they mean. Being in AP classes before has helped me prepare for that because I have learned how to study cohesively and holistically where I feel confident and prepared for the exams.”

With senior grades due Friday, seniors like Wilson are ready to be done with high school.

“It is definitely difficult to find motivation to finish my Collin work because I want to be done so bad,” she said. “And it’s frustrating that all of my work at Liberty is already done, but I still have the hardest part at the end of the semester still ahead.”