Rhea of Sunshine: Halloween
In this weekly column, Wingspan staff reporter Rhea Advani provides her take on a variety of topics.
October 26, 2021
In case you didn’t know, this weekend is Halloween.
I’ve noticed that everyone is making more plans and throwing more events now that no one is really taking COVID as seriously anymore. And I’m not saying this is a bad thing, because I do it too, I go out to places and kind of forget that COVID even exists.
But at the end of the day, it does and we should still be conscious about our surroundings.
Yes, a little more than half of Texans are vaccinated now, and if you’re around people who are vaccinated then it’s justified that you don’t social distance or wear a mask, but you should know for sure before you make that decision.
We tend to have this certain mindset of “bad things happen but they won’t happen to me.” And I’m most definitely guilty of this as well, but the reality is, that isn’t true at all.
You can indeed still get infected by the virus even if you are vaccinated, though the possibility of it is very low.
Moral of the story is have fun this weekend, and make sure to be safe. Happy Halloween Redhawks.