Architecture learns about different roles in the industry
In CTE Architecture classes, students are working on the Roles of Industry group project, in which they have the opportunity to take on a job in the architecture industry during the designing of one building. Each member of the group takes on a certain role and gives students the opportunity to learn about what each goal does.
January 31, 2022
It’s a pick-your-own-role at the CTE Center as Architecture 1 students choose their job in the Architecture: Roles of Industry project that wraps up on Monday.
“The goal of this project was to allow students to work in a group and to see how in a real project, with a real client, how the components of a real project work together,” Architecture teacher Rocio Martinez said. “Architects begin by choosing the client – who is a fictional character they will then design the building. Then the contractor, engineer, and interior designer come together to create a final product to sell their project to their client. I hope they can get an idea about the roles of industry that this project is about. After this, we’re gonga to an individual project, rather than a group one where they each have all four roles to accomplish.”
Taking on the role of an engineer for this almost two month long feat, freshman Karam See believes it is a great way for him to explore the different jobs that are related to the field of architecture and construction.
“For this project, you could choose to be: an architect, a contractor, an engineer, or an interior designer, and I chose to be an engineer,” See said. “While this is a group project where we work together to make one building, it is graded individually, however a lot of our assignments are intertwined, like for example I will need the architects’ blueprints to create the model on AutoCAD and I’ll need the contractor’s scaling measurements to make the AutoCAD model as accurate as possible. It’s a great way for me to explore a certain aspect of the many different fields associated with architecture.”
Freshman Kanishka Suriyanarayan tackles the job of the contractor in which she physically has to build a paper model to scale and thinks the project is a great way of teaching everyone about what each respective job does.
“I am a contractor, so I have to build the model that the architect draws out for the rest of us out of index cards and tacky glue,” Suriyanarayan said. “I’m the only one in my group who has to do physical building, so it is a lot of work, but at the same time it is pretty fun. I am also responsible for keeping everyone on track, which is what contractors do in real life, so besides it being made for high school students, I think this project does a good job of having each person do their respective jobs properly as one would do in real life.”