Mock trial finishes second at state competition

The CTE Mock Trial Team came in second place at last year’s state competition, and they are currently recruiting new members. In order to try out for the team, students must attend the informational meeting at the CTE Center on Aug. 29.
March 14, 2022
The CTE Center Mock Trial Team competed in the Texas High School State Mock Trial Competition on March 5, finishing second in the state.
It was Frisco ISD’s first-ever time making it to the final round of the state competition. Placing at the state level, let alone advancing, was unexpected for sophomore Maya Silberman.
“It was really surprising and gratifying to make the final round at state,” Silberman said. “Honestly, I was not anticipating making it into the top 4 at all, let alone the top 2. The fact that our team made it so far, especially since we haven’t competed in person in about 2 years, was so validating for our witnesses and our attorneys.”
For CTE Mock Trial Coach Benjamin Ewald, the strong relationship between the attorneys and witnesses was a significant factor in getting the team through tougher rounds.
“In any competition, it’s about team strength and individual matchups,” Ewald said. “The thing that separated us from our usual rivals this year was the depth of our witnesses on both sides of the case. All six witnesses captured ballots, and/or owned around from the stand during regionals and state.”
This year raises the bar for following years for Silberman.
“I hope to make it to state again next year,” Silberman said. “We will be losing some really strong seniors, but I believe in our team and I really hope we get to compete at the state level again next year. Personally, I also hope to grow in my knowledge of the courtroom and in my confidence when I go to competitions.”