Course change window opens

Yael Even

The window for students to make any changes in their course requests for next year opens this Friday. The deadline for students to request a change in courses for 2021-2022 is Friday April 15 at 4:30 p.m.

Zain Rahmani, WTV Staff Reporter

For all freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, the window for final schedule requests will be open one last time starting this Friday and ending April 15th.

For many students, this gives them another opportunity to be able to reevaluate their courses for next year and make any necessary changes before they’re locked into place.

“I’d decided I was gonna make a schedule change from a few filler classes I had just put in when the deadline closed a few months ago and I’d like to change them to AP European History and Academic Decathlon,” sophomore Haasini Busireddy said.

With these 15 days being the students’ last chance for their schedules before the start of the next school year, students such as Busireddy want to have another option.

“I think these 15 days are nice but if we had another one right before counselors started deciding and moving schedules around,” she said. “It’d be really helpful because high school students can be really indecisive and it can be really hard to pick a class you wanna do for the whole year.”