FFA competes in various contests
via @frisco_liberty_ffa Instagram
Future Farmers of America recently competed in the Collin County Jr. Livestock Show. Juniors Lila Elizondo and Carsyn Bianchin both placed in the Swine category.
April 13, 2022
FFA competed in various contests this week at the CTE center on Monday and Tuesday, including Dairy Cattle Evaluation, Veterinary Science, and Floriculture.
“For FFA the competitions are a little more difficult I think than they seem,” junior Natalie Wilson said. There are various stages we go through in order to compete. Personally, for floriculture, we take a test, a practicum, identification – where we identify 50 tools and plants and then we rank arrangements from best to worst.”
The variety of events and learning opportunities is an upside for senior Brooke Miller.
“I did competitions last year for FFA so I knew what to expect,” Miller said. “They have been great so far, they are very fun and you learn a lot, and there are many options for different events to compete for.”
The competitions open up a lot of opportunities for students who perform well.
“Students compete for the individual top prizes as well as the chance for their team to compete at the state level contests in May,” FFA advisor Brittney Avant said. “The more involved students are in all FFA activities the more points they gain towards college scholarships. The FFA gives away a million dollars in scholarships every year for qualifying students.”