Featured Athlete: Jace McQueary
Wingspan’s featured athlete for 4/25, senior baseball player Jace McQueary.
April 21, 2022
Wingspan: What has been the biggest challenge this season?
McQueary: “The biggest challenge this season for us has been us not playing the best baseball we can play in games. And the biggest challenge for me has been at the plate not seeing the ball well and not producing to help the team.”
Wingspan: Who is your biggest inspiration when it comes to baseball?
McQueary: “My biggest inspiration has to be my cousin. Just the way he struggled his senior year then got an offer to go pitch it makes me realize that if you aren’t playing good now doesn’t mean you won’t play bad in the future.”
Wingspan: What has been your favorite part of this season?
McQueary: “My favorite part has been the bond we all have as a team. We all have each other’s back and it’s just fun being a part of this team knowing we all are there for each other.”
Wingspan: What advice would you give to the underclassmen who want to play for Liberty?
McQueary: “Don’t take anything for granted because the season will be over in a flash. Always give 110% effort even when no one is looking to make yourself better and your teammates better.”
Wingspan: What’s your team’s greatest strength?
McQueary: “We all play as one. And no matter the outcome we always stay positive.”
Wingspan: Are you planning on playing baseball after school?
McQueary: “I’m not planning on playing after high school.”