Featured Athlete: Brooklyn Shelton
Wingspan’s Featured Athlete for 8/18 is volleyball player, junior Brooklyn Shelton.
August 18, 2022
Wingspan: When did you start playing volleyball?
Shelton: “I started playing volleyball when I was 9. I wanted to try out a new sport so my mom put me into rec volleyball, and I have been playing ever since.”
Wingspan: Who is your biggest influence?
Shelton: “My biggest influence is my mom because she has always taught me hard work pays off. She is constantly reminding me to stay motivated to achieve my goals for the future.”
Wingspan: What is something volleyball has taught you?
Shelton: “Volleyball has taught me how to build strong relationships with people older and younger than I am. It has also taught me the importance of having mental toughness during difficult situations.”
Wingspan: What is your favorite thing about volleyball?
Shelton: “My favorite thing about volleyball is celebrating after a good play. It is the most rewarding feeling and really helps bring the whole team together.”
Wingspan: What is the most difficult part of volleyball?
Shelton: “The most difficult part of volleyball is that you are always making play ending mistakes both individually and as a team. Since it is a game of errors it is difficult to keep a positive mindset and forget about your last error.”
Wingspan: What are your goals moving into the season?
Shelton: “This season I really want to grow as a leader on the team and be a great example for the underclassmen. My team goal is to win our district and go to playoffs after not making it last season.”
Wingspan: Do you plan to play volleyball in the future?
Shelton: “As of right now I do plan on playing volleyball in the future. I hope to finish playing club when I am Senior then go play collegiate volleyball.”