Rhea of Sunshine: Mercury in retrograde
In this weekly column, Wingspan staff reporter Rhea Advani provides her take on a variety of topics.
September 20, 2022
So in the last two weeks, some really strange things have been happening. Additionally, the energy levels have been really off with me and people around me. Now, I’m not one to believe in astrology or be knowledgeable about it, but my friend had mentioned that the universe is currently in Mercury retrograde.
After researching it a bit last night, it kind of did seem that the things that were occurring could be because the universe is giving us the illusion that Mercury is orbiting in the opposite direction. Mercury Retrograde started on Sept. 9, and will likely end on the first or second of October.
According to StyleCaster, we might be experiencing more delays, frustrations, some miscommunications and technology difficulties. Usually when this is occurring, no plans are going to stay confirmed. So this isn’t a good time to make any crazy decisions or sign any contracts.
Though I’ve never done much research about zodiac signs or stones and rocks, Mercury being in retrograde just matched what I feel is going on. Sometimes there are things that are unexplainable and you have no answer to. And to be honest, I’m not even sure if I completely believe everything about it, but for now, it’s nice to find an answer to why things are happening.