FIMRC provides a look into global healthcare
Photo via @libertyfimrc Instagram
Guest contributer Ayush Dane takes a look at the dozens of different clubs that offers volunteer opportunities. But how different are these clubs? (Pictured: a Liberty Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children (FIMRC) meeting)
October 3, 2022
Improving access to healthcare for children around the world is the goal of the Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children (FIMRC) and here on campus, the school’s FIMRC chapter is trying to do its part.
“Students are given the chance to make a positive change by helping medically underserved children around the world,” junior Siva Epuri said. “They are able to learn about healthcare from a more global perspective.”
From guest speakers to volunteering at local hospitals and nursing homes, FIMRC members hope the club will provide a deeper perspective.
“I think FIMRC will help me have a better reputation and an understanding of what some people go through when it comes to disabilities and much more,” freshman Krishna Epuri said.
A key component of FIMRC is understanding the various needs of children around the world.
“I’m interested in the medical field and also feel it’s important to be aware that there are low-resource people all over the world who are struggling with healthcare and that they need help,” FIMRC member, junior Sana Din said. “I want to learn more about these communities and, hopefully, help make a change.”
For many students in FIMRC, a future in medicine may be a goal, but that doesn’t have to be the reality for prospective club members.
“You don’t necessarily need to be interested in the healthcare field to join FIMRC,” junior Sana Din said. “Someone should join if they would like to learn about and help advocate, serve, and fundraise for those in medically underserved communities around the globe, to help make a difference.”