Rhea of Sunshine: what’s after high school?
In this weekly column, Wingspan staff reporter Rhea Advani provides her take on a variety of topics.
November 1, 2022
Most students try their hardest to excel in their academics in high school so that they have good credentials when applying for college. However, what if your plans after high school don’t include going to college?
Taking a gap year or even not planning on going to college, falls in some people’s wishlists. They figure that getting a job immediately after graduation is in their best interest and can help them succeed more rather than continuing their education.
This may be controversial to some people. As Texas and more specifically Frisco, has seen its Asian population increase, it seems as though not going to college after graduation is rare. However, it’s really not. There are so many students around the world who don’t have the money or interest in going to college. And this is okay.
Applying to college and wanting to continue your education is also okay. It’s important to be open minded and know that everyone has their own aspirations of what they want their future to look like. Being supportive of our peers is important because not everyone has the same path to walk on.