FISD’s RAIL program expands to advisory
The debate of whether or not to decrease the school week is ongoing. With several districts moving to this new format, it is no surprise many have something to say about it.
November 9, 2022
Through the RAIL, Reaching All Innovative Learners, Program, Frisco ISD is expanding free online tutoring to high school students beyond evening sessions, to include advisory times, Monday – Thursday each week.
“We’re here to answer your specific questions,” RAIL math facilitator Andrew Forbus said. “If you ever came to one of my math tutorials, I’d ask you to send me like a screenshot or some notes of your work that way I can give you the exact help and follow your teacher’s instruction.”
To participate in this, students must enroll in RAIL High School tutorials through Canvas.
“Offering free online tutorials during advisory has definitely helped me and many other students,” junior Aditi Tyagi said. “Sometimes it’s hard to make it before school and some of us have activities after school.”
Each day offers a different subject area that includes core subjects and electives such as Psychology and Spanish.
“This will help students get to tutorials easier and make it more accessible to anybody and everybody,” statistics teacher Stephen Rotan said. “That way they don’t have to go early in the morning or after school.”
For some students, this has been helpful with keeping up with classes.
“With balancing my extracurriculars and school, I use it to review and go over what I learned in class,” Tyagi said. “It’s helped me better understand the content in all my classes.”