Quotes from a Third Grade Class: corn part two
In this weekly column, senior Harley Classe talks about her experiences as a third grade teacher.
December 21, 2022
“I am thankful for animals, glue, and corn.”
Thankful Thursday, a commonly practiced event in second grade.
Every Thursday, the students in my class get to write in their mini Thankful Thursday journals. They are told to write down at least three things they are thankful for on that day specifically.
Some kids will go crazy and write a long list of things they are thankful for just to be silly, containing things that are so specific, like oxygen and water. However, some struggle each week to dig down deep and just tend to scratch the surface, listing only the basics, family, friends, and maybe food.
However, one student always goes a little bit beyond the expectation and thinks of things that happen to just be way out there. This week,= in particular, he happened to be thankful for a wide range of things; animals, glue, and corn.
Apparently, there is not only one kid with a corn addiction in the class…
It is always interesting to see what this student is thankful for on the Thursdays where I get to participate in Thankful Thursday with the kids.
The sweet thing about this though is that this student always means it. He never just means for his answers to be funny, they always have a meaning that he would love to share.
As young as these second and third graders are, some of them can throw you for a loop sometimes and be pretty insightful. That’s just how it is.