Quotes from a 3rd Grade Class: p-o-o-p
In this weekly column, senior Harley Classe talks about her experiences as a third grade teacher.
February 22, 2023
“I can’t have my cupcake because I’m sick, and if I eat it, p-o-o-p will come out of me, and it won’t be solid. It’ll be liquid.”
I don’t even know where to start with this one.
It was time for our Valentine’s party, and some of the parent helpers had just passed out mini chocolate cupcakes with pink frosting to each of the students.
One of the girls came up to me and the other teacher and dropped this line with absolutely no warning.
We were shocked.
It was everything we could do not to laugh until she walked away.
Social intelligence. It’s the district SEL lesson topic of the month that every FISD student is currently learning about, and this girl decided that it would be appropriate to tell us about her bowel movements rather than simply decline the cupcake.
At this point, everything in the world of education is fair game.
I know way more about these kids that I see every day than I even thought I would. Maybe even too much, but I still love them. That’s just how it is.