Redhawks recognize Black History Month on campus

Sadie Johnson, WTV Staff Reporter

February is Black History Month, a way to honor African Americans and their contribution to our country.

“A lot of people don’t really know about black history because we don’t really learn about it as much,” senior Amiyah Johnson said. “So, I think Black History Month really helps promote things that have happened behind closed doors in history.”

For many students on campus, February is when Black History is most emphasized.

“I feel like it’s important to celebrate Black History Month because it shows, especially non-black people, the history of our country because black people were pivotal in creating the basis of our country,” Black Student Union president, senior Ayo Olotu said.

For others, Black History Month is not just a month. African American Studies students spend class all year round learning about Black History and Culture.

“For African-American studies I mean, Black History Month is every day in our class,” African American Studies teacher Sarah Wiseman said. “We get to celebrate the joy and culture of African-American people and also talk about the struggles both historical and contemporary that we’re having to reckon with as a country.”

To BSU vice president, senior Jacqueline Wallace, the African American Studies course is a valuable class.

“People should take African American Studies to help broaden their view on US history as a whole,” she said. “The focus of United States history has always been on the white participants.”