How unique are clubs at Liberty?
Photo via @libertyfimrc Instagram
Guest contributer Ayush Dane takes a look at the dozens of different clubs that offers volunteer opportunities. But how different are these clubs? (Pictured: a Liberty Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children (FIMRC) meeting)
April 17, 2023
FIMRC, Aid4Need, Key Club, and Red Cross are some of the various clubs in the school that offer many volunteer opportunities. But is there really a difference between these clubs?
Clubs and organizations are a great way to help develop your character and the skills that will benefit you in school, your career, and life. Skills like commitment, leadership, effective communication, and working successfully in a group all come from participating in one. With more than 50 clubs on campus, there are plenty of options.
The school has a club in numerous categories—business, healthcare, medicine, government, science, culture, etc. But if you pay close attention to these clubs, one can see that many of these clubs have the same goal and the same topics.
For example, FIMRC offers healthcare worldwide, virtual programs for students, etc. Red Cross provides emergency assistance, disaster relief, and disaster preparedness education. Both provide many volunteer opportunities.
Apart from these clubs, there are many other unique clubs that don’t share the same topic. Aerospace, baking, architecture, and cricket are just a few examples.
But even if some of these clubs seem similar, is that a bad thing? Many of them provide volunteer opportunities and can help students hone their communication skills, foster creative thinking, and teach them how to work effectively with others. These extracurricular involvements are one of the few ways that colleges can gain insights into your personality. This is why most students in high schools prefer participating in extracurricular activities.