Dual Credit classes come to a close Thursday
The deadline for students to withdraw from Dual Credit courses is Friday.
May 4, 2023
Collin College Dual Credit classes for the Spring Semester come to an end Thursday.
Dual credit classes can offer the opportunity for students to get a feel of how college classes work.
“Collin depends on the professor and I got really lucky with good professors by not having too much of a workload while still learning the material,” senior Anna Lyon said. “I think it was very beneficial for me learning how classes in college work more independently.”
The classes allow students to get some of their college credits out of the way.
“I took dual credit so I would have more hours going into college,” senior Reese Brown said. “I think I got a lot out of taking dual credit because I got a feel for what college classes will be like while also getting credit hours for college.”
For Lyon, the light workload allowed her to efficiently gain college credit.
“I wanted to take dual-credit because I wanted to save money by getting my college classes out of the way,” Lyon said. “I think that Collin is really easy, and unless people want to try and go the ‘top 10% route,’ I think everyone should take dual credit classes.”