From a whiteboard to a canvas
Senior Andrew Jauregi has transformed his math class whiteboards into a canvas.
May 5, 2023
Math class whiteboards are places for formulas and equations, but for one classroom on campus, the whiteboard has become my own canvas.
Before spring break, I drew the head of Unit-01, a robot from the classic anime film series Neon Genesis Evangelion, and after being surprised to see the drawing still up after the break, I decided to draw more.
The first drawing took several days, as I utilized spare class time, advisory, and even coming in during other class periods.
The drawing has since been up for several weeks in Mrs. Schalla’s classroom, but students from other classes have since erased a small section of Unit-01.
While I didn’t redraw the missing parts of Unit-01, I decided to draw Unit-01’s partner, Evangelion Unit-02, which features an iconic red and orange color scheme.