Name: Alexandria James
Grade: Sophomore
Years of Experience: 2 years
Wingspan: How did you first become interested in making baskets?
James: “It was an art project in Art 3 at Fowler Middle School. Our teacher taught us the first little bit and then from there, I kinda took it home and made some stuff on my own.”
Wingspan: Can you walk me through the typical process of creating a basket, from the initial idea to the finished product?
James: “I usually start with a ‘cord’ (tightly woven string cased in a plastic/straw-like texture), and make what I call the ‘noose’, from there you wrap the cord around the noose in a circular motion while wrapping the yarn, or whatever material you choose to use, around the cord. The basket is held together by threading the end of the yarn to a layer of the cord. For example, layer 1, would have several threaded into the noose. When all is done, I usually do about 4 layers, it’s a basket!”
Wingspan: Are there any unique tools or equipment that are essential for your basket-making process?
James: “Yes, as mentioned, the cord. Besides that, yarn and a needle of any sort work just fine.”
Wingspan: Are there any skills or aspects of basket-making that you’re currently working to improve or master?
James: “Making layers can be quite difficult, I often mess up or make them a bit uneven, I’m working on that though.”
Wingspan: What do you enjoy most about the process of creating baskets?
James: “Seeing the final product and being proud of it.”