Wingspan: When did you start playing tennis?
Zhang: “End of fifth-grade summer.”
Wingspan: Why did you start playing tennis?
Zhang: “Because my brother was playing and I just joined sometimes for fun and realized that I actually really enjoyed it.”
Wingspan: How has tennis impacted your life?
Zhang: “It’s taken up a lot of my time but I really enjoy all the experiences and memories I’ve gained from it.”
Wingspan: Who is your biggest inspiration?
Zhang: “Roger Federer, because he’s always been a really hard worker since a young age and is also a very respectful and ethical player. He also started a charity foundation that provided kids who weren’t able to play tennis the chance to.”
Wingspan: What has been your greatest challenge playing tennis?
Zhang: “Trying to manage my time with practices and tournaments with my school.”
Wingspan: What are you excited about this season?
Zhang: “Seeing if we make playoffs and state in spring season.”