Representatives from U.S. Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Core, Navy and Texas Army National Guard will be on campus tomorrow during the military fair to provide information for students interested in military career and job opportunities.
“Any student who um doesn’t have a definitive idea of what they wanna do It’s a great time to learn about educational benefits, career opportunities and that kinda thing,” counselor Ryan Kiefer said. “So it’s just another opportunity for students um you know to look at uhh their ops uhh um options post high school”
Science teacher Suma Joseph spent seven years in the Indian Navy and for her, the military can be a good choice.
“I think it is wonderful because a career out there in the corporate world may or may not be for everybody but you know the service is always a distinguished career that you can always start from and then build from there,” Joseph said. “So I think it is a wonderful opportunity to have that fair and that exposure for the students at a very young age which I never had so i’m very happy about the amount of exposure that you all get.”
The military fair is tomorrow during all lunches in the lecture hall, and students can come in during their free time with no signing up process required.