Despite being born and raised Texan, I absolutely cannot fathom living on a farm, like every stereotype depicts.
I’ve lived in rural areas and suburbs my whole life, and I’m simply not built to do anything outdoorsy. I can visit them, spend a couple hours there, but by the end of the day, I’m ready to jet.
I get sensory overload very easily, so the smell of cattle and the feeling of itchy plants and the sound of bugs buzzing around me is too much.
Maybe that makes me stuck-up and fake-Texan, but I don’t have the urge to ride a horse or to do country-line dancing. I’m kind of the antithesis of the media’s depiction of a ‘pure-blooded’ Texan.
I’m a football hater—I can never remember the rules of the game, and generally think it’s not that fun of a sport.
I mean, I’m a huge fan of barbecue and Tex-Mex, so maybe I’m not that far off, but I’ve been told several times that I don’t give off ‘Texan vibes’.
What exactly makes me seem less Texan?
I think pickup trucks are ugly as can be, so that doesn’t help my case, but I feel like my affinity for funnel cake and cute boots should at least put TX in the running when people guess what state I’m from.
I don’t have a ton of Texan pride, but I do get a little caught off guard when it comes to being called a fake Texan.
Let an Oklahoma-coded girl live their best life, you know?