I have too much free time on my hands.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m busy (I sleep for a minimum of ten hours on Saturdays just because I’m so exhausted), but when I have time on my hands, I find myself wasting it a bit.
I have the New York Times games grouped together for easy access that I check almost daily. It’s something I look forward to.
A lot of my ‘hobbies’ are more so integral parts of who I am as an individual than just activities.
For me, dancing and writing are in my blood, they’re how I express myself, how I release tension.
But lately I’ve realized that I don’t really do much outside of those things. It’s kind of sad.
I’m not in a crisis, but besides getting so excited about cartoons that I walk into a lamppost, I don’t have too much going on.
Is that just me? Am I the only person who doesn’t have anything to do besides work? When I’m not working on something, I immediately get itchy for my phone, but shouldn’t I want more than to laugh at an absurd tweet?
I think it also stems from my desire to never fail at anything. I’m good at what I do, so why would I do anything else?
Maybe I’ll redownload Duolingo and rekindle my burning linguistic curiosity. (And delete it when I get annoyed that I missed a day.)