Name: Angie Fei
Grade: 12
Fine Art: Band (Flute)
Years of experience: 8
Wingspan: What do you like about playing the flute?
Fei: I love the whole process of learning a new music piece and then practicing it over and over until I get it perfect.
Wingspan: Do you have any special roles in the band?
Fei: Yes, I’m a drum major. So basically, we lead the entire band, we conduct on the podium, we keep time, but more than that we’re an example for all the students, and we just set the pace for rehearsals and basically the entire season.
Wingspan: What is it like being a drum major?
Fei: Drum majors conduct on the podium. I miss marching on the field all the time. I think I miss most the teamwork aspect. In drum major there’s obviously teamwork with the other drum majors, but it’s only two or three people, so I miss being an actual member on the field within 60 other people.
Wingspan: What advice would you give to a student who is thinking about joining band?
Fei: I would say: just go with it. Just keep going because band is one of the most amazing experiences but it’s also really hard and challenging, but so worth it. The input is a lot but the output is even more.
Wingspan: What id you favorite memory in or with the band?
Fei: That’s a really hard one. I think BOA(Band of America), this year, winning regional champions. That was really insane. Seeing out entire band on the field getting their medals, that was insane. I loved seeing all of the smiles on their faces.