In a rematch with the Centennial Titans (3-5), the boys’ basketball team (5-3) defeated their District 11-5A rivals 31-25 Tuesday to make up for a 57-48 loss earlier in the season.
“We’ve been telling the guys all year, they can play with anyone in the district and go as far as they want to go,” assistant coach Robert Wilson said. “It all depends on the level of intensity with which we play, and the attention to detail we bring into each game. It was fun to see them put together a solid four quarters. We’ve seen bits and pieces of great games all year, but this was one where we maintained effectiveness throughout.”
Junior Brandon Stephens believes the Redhawks executed their game plan fairly well.
“It wasn’t perfect, no game ever is, but it was really satisfying to get that win and obviously to beat our rivals,” Stephens said.