Junior Ayush traveled to Washington D.C. and its surrounding states to visit colleges in preparation for next year.
Senior Christine Han (left) and senior Addison LeBlanc (right) watched Irish rock band Inhaler play in Dallas.
This break, senior Sophia Hung (last row 2nd to left) and her family traveled to Chicago just in time to watch the Chicago River being dyed green for St. Patrick’s Day.
Junior Rhea Pradeep (left), Sarayu Alluri (middle), and junior Dasha Atal (right) stayed local and visited Escape360, a popular coffee shop.
Sophomore Jian Park (right) traveled to Austin this spring break.
Junior Neha Ramachandran soared nearly 1,800 miles to The Golden State to pay a visit to the Golden Gate Bridge.
Senior Joaquin Perez was spotted in the Sunshine State this break enjoying everything beaches have to offer.
Senior Anita Okorie (2nd from left), junior Stephanie Okorie (2nd from right) and freshman Christopher Okorie (right) all made their way to Austin for a family getaway trip.
Riding a lift up the side of Bob’s Peak in Queenstown, New Zealand, junior Owen Higgins, and his 8th grade sister Piper, wear the required safety helmets to race street luges down one of two courses.
Junior Ayush traveled to Washington D.C. and its surrounding states to visit colleges in preparation for next year.
Senior Christine Han (left) and senior Addison LeBlanc (right) watched Irish rock band Inhaler play in Dallas.
As Redhawks return to campus, they bring back memories of their spring break adventures. From relaxing getaways to exciting experiences, take a look at how students spent their well-deserved break!