Featured Athlete: Isaiah Palmer

Sport: Track | Grade: 11 | Years Played: 5

Isaiah Palmer (left) placed second in the 400 meter run at the state meet.

provided by Liberty Cross Country and Track

Isaiah Palmer (left) placed second in the 400 meter run at the state meet.

Height: 5’9

Fav Pre game meal: PB&J

Hype Song: War Ready by Rick Ross

Fav quote: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me- Philippians 4:13


Inspiration: Michael Johnson

Future Job: Doesn’t Know.

Wingspan: What do you run?

Palmer: “400 meter dash.”

Wingspan: How do you prepare for a meet?

Palmer: “ I get my mind ready and eat right.”

Wingspan: What’re the most common injuries a runner can get, and how do you prevent it?

Palmer: “Shin splints, and in order to fix them you have to ice them.”

Wingspan: On the days where you don’t feel like running, what motivates you?

Palmer: “My coach.”

Wingspan: Is there a specific diet you should eat before a meet? If so what is it?

Palmer: “Protein and carbs.”

Wingspan: How often do you run outside of school?

Palmer: “I run 3 days a week.”

Wingspan: How do you train for a meet?

Palmer: “A lot of laps around the track.”

Wingspan: How do you plan to pursue running in the future?

Palmer: “Stay focused and trust in my training.”

Wingspan: What’re you best at in track?

Palmer: “the 400 meter.”

Wingspan: Biggest accomplishment?

Palmer: “Going to state was my biggest accomplishment.”