UIL academic season starts Saturday

After placing 2nd in state in 2015, the school’s UIL academic team hopes to be adding trophies to this display case with the 2018 season that started Saturday.
January 6, 2017
Students and teachers are looking towards the upcoming UIL meet in Flower Mound with high hopes for success.
UIL Coordinator Jeff Schrantz said a lot of preparation took place leading up to the first meet.
“For the last few months, each team has been meeting with their coach and practicing getting ready for specific events leading up to this first practice meet of the year,” Schrantz said. “Traditionally there’s been really strong competition at Flower Mound and a lot of people make it to state.”
Schrantz said that due to past performances at UIL and the students taking part, the competition season will be have promising results.
“I anticipate that we’ll do well,” Schrantz said. “All that I expect is that students show up and do their best and we just see where the chips fall.
Junior Ashley Abare is looking forward to the opportunity to compete in a UIL meet.
“It’s rewarding to compete in something you enjoy doing,” Abare said. “I don’t really prepare much, but I do look through old Accounting UIL tests.”
World geography teacher Jennifer Nelken, who is coaching for the first time, said it’s nerve wracking since students can’t be sure of what is going to happen in competition, but she’s faithful in her students’ abilities.
“There’s many things that can be tested on and asked about,” Nelken said. “They take a test or do an essay but it’s pretty open for a lot of this stuff. I’m hoping they’re prepared and ready. I think they’ll do pretty well since they seem pretty serious about it.”