Sincerely Sydney: stay true to you

In her weekly column, staff reporter Sydney Gish offers her perspective on various issues.

In her weekly column, staff reporter Sydney Gish offers her perspective on various issues.

Although many teens may not want to admit it, what others think about them is important. It is human nature to care what other people think. Whether it be a friend or a stranger, the opinions of others matter to us. However, when it starts affecting the choices we make and who we are as a person, it starts to pose a problem.

Caring what others think is completely normal, as many of us want to be liked and respected, but there’s a difference between caring and worrying what others think. Many times friends or family members will have opinions and caring is listening to what they’re saying and considering what they’re saying, but ultimately doing what makes us happy and gives us the opportunity to become closer in relationships. Worrying on the other hand, comes from the fear of being judged and that can affect the decisions one makes. Often times, that fear can evoke anxiety and lead to insecurities.

While seeking approval from others can be inescapable, worrying about what others think limits people from living their full potential. Teens especially base their actions on how they think others will perceive them and as a result they may not always do what they desire. Due to the fear of how other people may react, many students may be missing out on opportunities, like pursuing a hobby they’re interested in or staying in their comfort zone.

Not caring what others think is easier said than done, however there are a few things to remember. All of our stories will end the same, because death is inevitable. It’s uncomfortable to think about, but it can also put things in perspective. We all have one life and realizing that can make it easier to stop worrying about the opinions of others and live our life the way we want to.

It is cliche, but it is important for everyone to stay true to who they are. It is OK to share what we think and do the things that make us happy. Instead of worrying about the insignificant opinions others may have, everyone should focus on being the best version of themselves.