Trunk-or-Treat starts Halloween festivities

Kennedy Williams

Caitlyn Kleibert, WTV Daily Update Producer

Trunk or Treat took place yesterday in the band parking lot. Students had the chance to volunteer and hand out candy to children from nearby neighborhoods. Different clubs on campus decorated cars as well as dressing up based on their selected themes. Some themes that were included were Disney, food, and puns. Students saw this as a way to spread the Halloween spirit and give back to the community.

“Well, I think that it spreads the halloween spirit by just getting these kids out here,” junior Dionn Lacy said. “They can get candy and just have a good time overall and just, get to like, walk around and just show their spirit.”

“This event kind of spreads the Halloween spirit just because it gets the community all in one area and kind of just gets, you know it gets kids excited to be on Halloween,” senior Kirk Niekamp said. “It lets kids see, like, their future while to see that like teenagers can still have fun on Halloween also. So, it’s kind of a great event.”

However, some students feel nostalgic and remember their Halloween days as they are transitioning into adulthood.

“Yeah, I mean, I would always go door to door and just buy candy, like get candy,” junior Aten Kumar said. “Give me candy, give me candy, and I see these kids going around and it just reminds me of my days so.”

Not only did this event give students a chance to dress up and spend time with their fellow club members, children got to experience a second Halloween… This one a night early and without the chance of rain. 

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  • Representative of this year’s toy fad, one trick-or-treater dressed as a functional fidget spinner.

  • The fourth annual Trunk-or-Treat offers students the opportunity to give back to the community and dress up for the spooky season.

  • Sophomore Natalie Guerra brings out the spirit of Halloween dressed as a ghost along with the rest of theater.

  • HOSA members hand out candy dressed up as characters from Mario Kart.

  • With just a hat and braid, football and wrestling coach Justin Koons dressed as Princess Elsa from Frozen.

  • Dressed as a slam dunk, junior Ella Johnson hands out candy with Red Rhythm.

  • Part of Trunk-or-Treat’s founding organization, band member senior Cameron Wolfe shows off his DoodleBob costume.

  • Dressed as puns with other Red Rhythm members, senior Neha Perumalla poses in her “Oh, dear” costume.

  • Choir makes their debut at the fourth annual Trunk-or-Treat with a Disney theme. Seniors Caitlyn Kleibert and Kirsten Mallari pose as characters Kim Possible and Moana.

  • Hundreds of children and their families made their way through the band parking lot and dozens of cars filled with treats.