Student trainers assist athletes

Filling water bottles for student athletes is only part of the job description for student trainers such as Derrica McDowell. The trainers are often the first ones out to the field and the last ones to leave.

courtesy of Sherri Bryant Photography

Filling water bottles for student athletes is only part of the job description for student trainers such as Derrica McDowell. The trainers are often the first ones out to the field and the last ones to leave.

From taping ankles to giving water to players at time outs, student trainers have a role in the athletic department that is sometimes overlooked. However, a shared interest in the health profession led each of the 12 trainers to this year’s staff.

“My goal is to acquire a job in the future to help athletes,” senior Alexis Donaldson said. “Being a student trainer now is the next step to achieve that goal.”

Being a trainer is very time consuming and for them to show up and work day after day means a lot.

— Athletic trainer Joseph White


Donaldson has been involved in athletic training since she was a sophomore in high school.

“I have a passion for treating others,” Donaldson said. “Especially athletes because they give me the experience to be a future professional athletic trainer”.

With more than 600 student athletes on campus and just 12 student trainers, each trainer is kept busy throughout the school year.

“They’re always in the training room before school whenever I need help with my arm,” senior baseball player Brian Brown said. “Throwing a baseball puts a lot of wear on my arm and I’m thankful that I can go to them for advice on how to keep my arm healthy.”

Their hours are often as long if not longer than that of the players as they have to get ready and clean up after.

With hundreds of student athletes on campus and just two training staff members, student trainers such as sophomore Lenitia Curley are used to help out on taping players before practice and games.
Alex Moore
With hundreds of student athletes on campus and just two training staff members, student trainers such as sophomore Lenitia Curley are used to help out on taping players before practice and games.

“We have to get the water ready before the practice starts,” Donaldson said. “Then after the practice, we put the water [tanks] away.”

Senior football player World Shabazz doesn’t know what he would do without the student trainers.  

“They make me feel healthier,” Shabazz said. “They tape my wrist to prevent [injury] and make sure I don’t get dehydrated.”  

Athletic trainer Joseph White believes that the trainers work their best every day to support the athletes.

“I am very proud of every single trainer,” White said. “Being a trainer is very time consuming, and for them to show up and work day after day means a lot.”