Taking the class to where students are


Whether it’s logging in on a school computer or pulling up the app on a phone, many teachers on campus are using Google Classroom as a way to allow class work to be accessible wherever a student may be.

Sascha Cornelius, WTV Staff Reporter

Google Classroom use appears to be at all time high this year. According to TeachHUB.com, Google Classroom’s purpose is to facilitate paperless communication between teachers and students and streamline educational workflow

Classroom allows teachers to create classes, post assignments, organize folders, and view work in real-time with many teachers on campus using Google Classroom for the benefits it provides.

“Google Classroom gives us a running record of what we’ve done in class,” PreAP English I teacher Elizabeth Evans said. “So if students are absent or need to go back and refer to what we’ve been looking at previously it’s easy to access at, also it just gives us really easy access at school and at home to all the materials we need in class and it saves paper.”

Classroom also has an app so that teachers and students have easier access to their classes, rather than logging onto a laptop or a computer.

“It’s helpful, if I need to check to see if a student has turned work in I can easily access that with just a few clicks,” Evans said. “Occasionally I find myself grading papers in my car or somewhere, and I always have access to student work. Primarily just for looking at student work, but for the most part I use the desktop application.”

Freshman Kyrsten Swartz  thinks that the benefits Classroom provides are helpful to most students.

“The benefits are you can turn things in online instead of at school like on paper so you’re a little bit more organized,” Swartz said. “You can turn things in on time because it reminds you if you’re going to have something late.”