Say it Louder: Learning what matters at school


Whether it’s something about school, being a student, or a social issue, columnist Emma Cramption tries to make sure her message is heard in her weekly column “Say it Louder”.

When assignments are running low, I think we should be taught about things that will actually help us in the real world. I am a junior in high school and I don’t know how to pay taxes or the mortgage for a home and things of that nature.

School is obviously very important to each of our lives, but sometimes students are given busy work just for the sake of having something to do. Instead of giving us assignments that ultimately have no purpose, we should be taught things that will benefit our future.

High school and college are years of learning and growth. When assignments are running low, I think we should be taught about things that will actually help us in the real world. I am a junior in high school and I don’t know how to pay taxes or the mortgage for a home and things of that nature.

Some people may argue that the teachings of these sort of things should be done at home. However, not everybody has an environment at their home to which these teachings can be done. That doesn’t mean that they should just go about life having to teach themselves everything. Everyone has to attend school, so we may as well make use of the spare time we have while there.

I believe that classes should even be offered for things like this. When my parents were growing up, they had free drivers ed at their school. Everybody in their life is going to need to learn to drive at some point. What if you don’t have anyone at home to teach you and you can’t afford the class?

I understand that schools and facility can’t dedicate all their time to stuff like this, but if the opportunity arises, teaching us stuff like this instead of just giving us busy work will make a huge difference.