Featured Athlete: Justin Jung
Grade: 12 | Sport: Swim
Having swam for eight years, senior Justin Jung continues to pursue his passion for the sport. He believes that his competitors fuel his drive to pursue his passion.
Wingspan: How long have you been swimming and what inspired you to do so?
Jung: “I’ve been swimming ever since fourth grade so for about 8 years. I think the reason why I’m still in swimming is the awesome people I get to swim by every morning and evening.”
Wingspan: What fuels your passion to continue to pursue swimming?
Jung: “I think it’s my competitors that keeps me in swimming. Striving to be the best and swim the fastest continues to challenge me day in and day out.”
Wingspan: What do you enjoy the most about the sport?
Jung: “I think the best part about the sport is that it doesn’t require you to be born tall or muscular, such as football or soccer. As a swimmer, to become fast it all starts with technique and stroke efficiency so a short kid has the possibility to win over a big, tall kid.”
Wingspan: What is something that you want to improve on?
Jung: “I wanna improve on our team spirit. Not only in swimming, but as a school. We’re always worried about losing and we never get to cheer on our team on.”
Wingspan: What do you do you prepare for meets?
Jung: “Usually for big meets, I would do something called a taper which is more intense, but lower yardage. We usually do around 6-7 thousand yards a day, but we can get down to around 3-4 thousand by the meet. Usually, I carb load beforehand and I hydrate a lot. I put on compression pants on the night before the meet to enhance blood circulation and I get a good night’s sleep to wake up and prepare for my meet.”
Wingspan: What hypes you up or motivates you before a meet?
Jung: “I enjoy listening to rap before getting up on the block. I also look at the goal time I’m aiming for to give me some motivation for my race.”

Katharina Santos is a senior and staff reporter for Wingspan. She is a member of NHS and president of 3:16 Bible Study. You can often find her sipping...