Featured Athlete: Jack Kelly
Grade: 12 | Sport: Baseball
Wingspan: What inspired you to start baseball?
Kelly: “What inspired me to start playing was because my mom watched it growing up and always talked about her favorite players.”
Wingspan: What keeps you motivated to stay in the sport?
Kelly: “Wanting to win and compete is what keeps me motivated to keep playing everyday.”
Wingspan: What is the most difficult thing about baseball?
Kelly: “The most difficult thing is staying confident while hitting.”
Wingspan: What is the biggest benefit of being in the sport?
Kelly: “Creating a bond with my team is one of the many benefits of playing.”
Wingspan: What’s it’s like being on the team?
Kelly: “Having a group of people who have you back.”
Wingspan: What pumps you up/motivates you before a game?
Kelly: “Listening to music and jumping around usually gets me ready and pumps me up.”
Wingspan: What is your pregame ritual?
Kelly: “Rubbing my coach’s bald heads is something I do before every game.”
Katharina Santos is a senior and staff reporter for Wingspan. She is a member of NHS and president of 3:16 Bible Study. You can often find her sipping...