District offers test advice with Princeton Review
With SAT and ACT on the horizon for many students, senior Mykah Robins studies with an ACT prep book. The Frisco ISD presentation on SAT and ACT will cover some tips and guidelines for the test, with the help of Princeton Review.
November 6, 2019
As juniors search for colleges to apply to next fall, Frisco ISD is hosting an SAT/ACT Prep 101 presentation with the Princeton Review at the administration building Wednesday from 6:30 – 8 p.m., open to all parents and students who RSVP.
“Students will gain a better understanding of the ACT and SAT, which one they should take and how to prepare,” Frisco ISD assistant director of communications Meghan Cone said. “Princeton Review will also provide test-taking strategies, information about how to read your scores and how the tests play into the college admissions process.”
Hoping to learn about the ACT and how tests factor in the college admissions process before she applies next year, junior Urja Joshi is planning to attend Wednesday’s presentation.
“I’ve been studying for a few months and took my first SAT in August, but I would still like to score higher,” Joshi said. “Hopefully I can get some helpful advice and learn if the ACT could be an option for me. I’m really glad the district is doing this so I can be as prepared as possible before senior year.”
Senior Arsh Guntakal has taken the ACT and the SAT multiple times, and urges underclassmen to consider their options before they run out of time.
“The SAT and ACT are very different tests,” Guntakal said. “Both the SATs and ACTs are something you can’t really cram for. You need to understand how each test works, its intricacies, and how they are paced. You can only do this by practicing for the test in advance. This also allows you more time to figure out how you want to pace yourself on each section on each test.”
Reminding students that practice can lead to higher scores, Guntakal doesn’t think students shouldn’t stress too much about the tests.
“It’s really rewarding to see in my score after putting in some hard work,” Guntakal said. “My main advice to students would be that you should try to have a life outside of studying for these tests. Although they are important, it’s important to make sure you still enjoy your life and not stress out over these tests.”