Schedule change requests due Friday

With the spring semester starting Jan. 18, schedule change request forms are available outside the counselor’s office and are due Friday.
January 4, 2016
Schedule change request forms for the new semester that starts in two weeks on Jan. 18 are available outside the counselor’s office and are due Friday.
Changes are only permitted if one of several criteria (see sidebar) are met and students must have parental and teacher permission in order to change their schedule.
Students requesting to drop a class are warned that changing a schedule may impact lunches, teachers, and current class schedules, and grades from the first semester follow to the new class and will be averaged for the student’s year-end average.
New changes may not be immediate once a form is turned in as counselors have many students to accommodate.
“The process is very lengthy,” counselor Alma Campo said. “We’re at capacity in so many classes at this point that there’s not a lot of room for movement, so it’s like working a puzzle.”