Featured Athlete: Jada Williams
Grade: 11 | Sport: Cross Country
August 18, 2020
Wingspan: Who introduced you to cross country?
Williams: “I got introduced to cross country in middle school by some of the older girls one of them being Amelia Jáuregui and Carry Fish.”
Wingspan: Why did you decide to start running cross country?
Williams: “I decided to start running cross country because in general I really love running so I thought it would be a great way to do the thing I love and it gets you in shape really fast.”
Wingspan: How has cross country influenced your life?
Williams: “My family has a lot of runners but none of them ran cross country which is funny, they all ran track but I was like i’m going to run cross country and it has just taught me to have a positive mind set and that if you work hard you will get the results you want.”
Wingspan: Do you have any superstitions?
Williams: “I have some, I always for some reason run with my necklace on. I don’t really know it just gives me confidence because it means a lot, and I also always pray before a meet!”
Wingspan: What are your goals for this season?
Williams: “My goals for this season are to make it to state for the third time, to run in the low 19’s and to just work hard and have fun building those bonding relationships with the other
Wingspan: What makes cross country different from other sports?
Williams: “Cross country is definitely a sport where you have to train a lot, especially in the summer you can’t just show up and run which is what a lot of people think we do. You have to track your pace and your mileage and how much you ran that week. The toughest part about it I think is not giving up, when you’re running so much everyday it’s hard to want to keep going, so having all those other people around you really pushes you to be better and work really hard. It’s a sport where the team bonds really get you through the tough workouts and meets.”