School board to discuss topics from budget to construction plans

Remi Williams

With summer coming up, FISD is hosting an informational webinar for students interested in summer school.

Caroline Caruso, Managing Editor

The Frisco ISD Board of Trustees is set to have its monthly meeting Monday in the administration building, starting at 7:30 p.m. 

Along with addressing public comments, the board will be examining a variety of topics, ranging from construction plans for Emerson High School to amendments for the 2020-2021 budget.

Similar to last month’s meeting, a discussion regarding the COVID-19 protocols on campus will be held.

In a recent interview with Wingspan, District Superintendent Dr. Mike Waldrip talked about the district’s procedures concerning COVID-19.

“Right now we have a COVID-19 campus protocol, and it’s on our website if you want to look at it, and it details very specifically what we will do when we encounter a positive case and how we will communicate and who gets that information,” Waldrip said. “Of course, everyone has access to the dashboard, but even internally, there’s a lot of communication going on between departments and between individuals so that everybody knows on a daily basis we know if we have people that have symptoms or if we have people that have tested positive for covid 19 so there’s a lot of information being passed around internally and then our communications department has done a tremendous amount of work on preparing the letters that go out to parents and different kinds of communication and working with the media, and all that stuff so we really got a nice coordinated effort built around that, so that everybody that needs to know that information has it, and has it in a timely fashion.”

In addition to other items, the board is also scheduled to talk about implementing new security devices for elementary schools, and renovations for Rogers Elementary

The full agenda from Monday’s preview can be found here.