Unwarranted Opinions: the realism of a messy bed

Morgan Kong

In her weekly column “UnWarranted Opinions,” staff reporter Drew Julao takes on a variety of topics and gives her take.

Drew Adrian Julao, Staff Reporter

Every morning I wake up, feed my dog, eat breakfast, wash my face, brush my teeth, and feel ready for a new day. Notice what was missing from that itinerary? Well, don’t worry, I didn’t forget to mention that I make my bed because I don’t.

I have been told many times that making a bed is a good way to start the day. You start with a clean space, and it makes you feel better. While I do find that believable, I just find making a bed to be too much work for something that will be utilized again in a short period of time. At night, we take back the covers and relax in our once again messy sheets as we hopefully drift off into sleep. Then, after, realistically, five to seven hours, we wake up and are expected to perform this morbidly cyclical routine of making the bed, going about our day, going to sleep, waking up, and making the bed again for the rest of our lives.

Frankly, I do not have the energy to do that. I already have a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep for an appropriate amount of time. If anything, by not fixing my bed I am conserving my finite amount of energy for more important matters.

I do not understand the desire to fix something that will be used again and again. Plus, blankets feel much softer and comfier when they are crinkled up and feel used. This point, if I may say, is a rather moot point in America where pretty much everyone has a dryer to use for their laundry, but I grew up in the Philippines where it is not common to have dryers or use them because we are a tropical country where the sun is constantly scorching, and it is completely free. Us Filipinos can’t pass up on something free. So, we sun dry everything we wash and that makes them feel pretty stiff afterwards which is where a messy bed may come in handy for us.

Still, even though stiffness is not an issue when you use a dryer, I stand by my belief that a bed that you use and leave used is a comfortable one, especially when you have a duvet.

When you leave your bed messy, in the evening, you don’t have to worry about fixing your bed to be exactly the way you want it to be for maximum comfort because it is always at the level of maximum comfort. This works especially well when you need a nap and you are too exhausted to do anything else other than plopping down into your bed and falling asleep immediately.

I sleep with a tremendous amount of blankets and pillows, which is said to be a sign of loneliness, and I would rather like not to be reminded of that fact by having to arrange my infinitesimal amount of them every morning and fix them up around me every night to be reminded again and again about the fact that I feel alone because we cannot ever truly know that anything exists except for ourselves. I would rather leave them as they are and come back in the evening without having to remind myself that humans are lonely creatures.

So, take this as a realists viewpoints on the logic of making a bed and the philosophy and psychology of so as well because making my bed makes me feel tired, lonely, and stupid for doing something that can have so many negative effects on my daily life.