Breaking News: Abbott bans masks mandates in schools
Governor Greg Abbott announced via an executive order or Tuesday that school districts must drop their mask mandates beginning June 4. Frisco ISD had already announced students such as freshman Ashton Hatch, as well as staff, will not have to wear facial coverings beginning June 1.
May 18, 2021
The 2020-2021 school year isn’t over, but Governor Greg Abbott announced on Tuesday via an executive order, that no government entity, including school districts, will be able to require or mandate masks in the 2021-2022 school year.
Frisco ISD has already announced that starting June 1, face coverings will no longer be required for students or staff. Under Abbott’s order, school districts can keep their current guidelines until June 4, with local governments being able to keep mask orders in place until Friday.
“Texans, not government, should decide their best health practices, which is why masks will not be mandated by public school districts or government entities,” Abbott said in a statement. “We can continue to mitigate COVID-19 while defending Texans’ liberty to choose whether or not they mask up.”