All voices matter: re-introduction with Sydney
In her revival of the weekly column, All Voices Matter, staff reporter Sydney Bishop offers her take on various social and cultural issues.
August 18, 2021
This is my first year on Wingspan but I will be reviving an old column: All Voices Matter. Taking Journalism 1 my freshman year, I joined the staff with intentions of being a weekly columnist after the role was suggested to me by our adviser Brian Higgins.
I’ve always been naturally able to voice my opinions eloquently. As eager as I first was to express these skills on Wingspan, I struggled at first to find a name suitable for my weekly articles.
That was until Mr. Higgins approached me about reviving All Voices Matter, a column initially started by Aviance Pritchett in 2017. However, since her graduation in 2020, All Voices Matter has fallen dormant.
Upon further consideration I realized that bringing this back to life would be the perfect channel for the social themes my columns will have. So, this is the formal re-introduction of All Voices Matter with Sydney Bishop, where my weekly columns will cover a wide variety of current topics. And I hope that in coming years, more weekly columnists will continue this theme because all voices do matter and that shouldn’t end with someone’s graduation.