SRO Varner leaves the Nest
Student Resource Officer Jerry Varner will walk the halls for the final time on Friday. Wingspan sat down with him to learn about his plans for the future.
Wingspan: What is your new job?
Varner: “I am going to be the Assistant Chief of Police in the city of Princeton.”
Wingspan: How did you find this job?
Varner: “I didn’t seek this opportunity out, it found me. A guy I know contacted me that I’ve known in the law force for a long time, he knew my background and where I come from, and the places before here where I was a supervisor, and he knew my reputation. He is now the Chief of Police in Princeton. He wanted my experience and asked me what I thought of the job. I told him I didn’t know because I have a great job here. We met and laid out what I would need and our vision.”
Wingspan: What are you going to miss the most?
Varner: “I’m going to miss the people. This is my eighth year here and we have turned into a family. I have people from here that message me in college and after college. Generations of people and families have walked into Liberty and they have become a part of my family here.”
Wingspan: What are you going to miss the least about Liberty?
Varner: “I’m going to least miss the drive. My commute is 41 miles so about an hour. I get 31 hours of my life back every month, there are things I couldn’t go to before because it was so far like kids award assemblies. Now with this position, I could go to my youngest girl’s awards and go eat lunch with her then go back to work.”
Wingspan: What are you most excited about for the job?
Varner: “I am excited for the ability to make a difference and for the challenge the job is going to bring. I am a marine and our core values and leadership principles are based on brotherhood, and family, I have a nature to serve. It’s a department that I want to make amazing. It’s going to be tough, because it is a smaller town and they don’t have as many resources as Frisco but it is doable.”
Wingspan: Have you met the new person taking over your job?
Varner: “I have not met the new person. He has been hired and is a Frisco Police officer, I just haven’t met him yet.”
Wingspan: What do you want to say to the people you are leaving?
Varner: “Be you,make change, and always surround yourself with good people”

Halle Barham is currently a senior and is hoping to study film and business administration at a university next fall. She is involved at Preston Trail...