School prepares for summer campus refresh

Wingspan Staff

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  • Teachers were required to pack up and clean up their classrooms by the end of the year. This summer, the campus was refreshed and the floors and walls were redone.

  • Math teacher Jennifer Harrison cleans off her whiteboards in preparation for the campus refresh.

  • Coach Allen Harris sets a to-do list for cleaning out his classroom. All teachers are required to have their classrooms completely cleaned out by the end of the year for the campus refresh.

  • Out with the old and in with the new is the motto this year as classrooms got a refresh with new furniture. This includes new desks, chairs and whiteboard tables.

  • The trophy cases are emptied out from their usual display of the school’s achievements.

  • The library walls are empty in preparation for the campus refresh. Every inch of the school walls are being repainted this summer.

  • Cafeterias. classrooms, and parking lots will be empty from Saturday to Sunday, March 17 as all students will be off campus for spring break. Once students return, the final quarter of the school year will begin.

  • The end fo the year looks a little bit different for classrooms on campus, ad every teacher is required to fully clean out their classrooms and take everything down from the walls.


As the school prepares for renovations over the summer, teachers have to pack up their classrooms.