Rezoning and TEA reports discussed at October board meeting
On Monday, the Board met at the Administration building. They approved the 2024-25 calendar, with the addition of Fall break and a Monday start.
October 18, 2022
The Frisco ISD Board of Trustees held their October meeting Monday. At the meeting, the Texas Education Agency’s results driven accountability report was discussed. The report revealed FISD’s correlation between demographics and out-of-school-suspensions and expulsions.
To help address the irregularly high correlation between special education and OSS, the Frisco ISD Board of Trustees convened to discuss new achievement and discipline programs.
The programs will be implemented through faculty training and changes in the way discipline data is recorded.
At a broader scale, the board discussed rezoning, mainly of middle and elementary schools to distribute students. Scoggins Middle School is set to transition into an exclusively seventh and eighth grade campus.
The elementary schools flowing into the former-middle school will host kindergarten through fourth grade levels, and the addition of Wortham Intermediate School accommodates the shifted fifth and sixth graders.
Regular topics like elections and budgeting were also briefed.
A recording of last night’s meeting is available at