Students play 9 Square during advisory with StuCo

Manal Nasir

Student Council hosts their third advisory event of the school year with Just Dance on Tuesday. Students can show off their best 80s outfit and dance with their friends at the event.

Haley Johnson and Maya Silberman

From GAGA ball to bingo, Student Council has been actively working to incorporate more activities during advisory. The next in the series, 9 Square, is happening Tuesday during advisory. 

Senior Scott McCord believes the advisory events are a great way for students to step away from schoolwork.

“I think they should go just because it’s something new and it’s just something to do,” McCord said. “It’s not sitting in a class studying is just a nice break from everyday classes and just studying all the time.”

For junior Eva Soto, the events have helped her get to know Student Council.

“This is one of the things I’ve seen the most from StuCo this year,” Soto said. “It’s a really nice break, and it’s a great way to meet new people and the students in StuCo.”