Opinion: field trips taking learning to a new level

Sitting in Lubben Plaza Park in downtown Dallas, Wingspan staff members take a break from a field trip to The Dallas Morning News.
April 5, 2016
Field trips are a very entertaining yet educational way to spend a school day. Elementary and some middle school students get to experience these lively days full of learning as well as fun. However, high schoolers are not typically given the opportunity to go on field trips unless it is for a certain elective or club. So why is this?
Everyday, things usually run the same for high school students. They come to school, attend their classes and go home. I believe that variety is a crucial aspect to one’s proper education. People, especially teenagers, could easily get bored of the same thing everyday.
In addition, there a lot of high schoolers who identify as kinesthetic learners. This means they receive their best learning experience by participating in hands-on activities. Although a normal high school day may entail some of these, a field trip is a much more effective way to get a hands-on experience.
Some people may argue that field trips are considered to be “blow off days.” But that really just depends on where you go and the activities you are performing while you are there. Teachers and administrators can make sure that the trip is for educational reasonings and students will be surrounded by a learning environment.
Field trips are a great way for students to enjoy themselves and learn at the same time; ultimately placing a positive reaction to education.