StuCo brings the holiday spirit with Tuesday’s advisory event

Harley Classe

Student Council hosted the next in their series of advisory events Tuesday: a gingerbread house decorating contest. “The winter season inspired us to do something fun before the break,” Student Council president Anna Lyon said. “We are heading towards winter break so we wanted to do something winter themed.”

Sarayu Bongale, Staff Reporter

A popular winter holiday activity is coming to campus on Tuesday when Student Council is hosting a gingerbread house decorating contest during advisory. 

“The winter season inspired us to do something fun before the break,” Student Council president Anna Lyon said. “We are heading towards winter break so we wanted to do something winter themed.”

Senior Scott McCord’s past holiday experiences inspired him to come up with this contest.

“In all the parties and festivities I’ve had, we always made a ton of gingerbread houses so I thought we could do one at Liberty,” McCord said.

However, from gathering supplies to attempting to determine a winner, organizing a gingerbread house decorating contest came with a few challenges.

“We had trouble deciding how many people would participate, so we low-balled the amount of teams so we didn’t waste supplies,” said McCord. “We ended up getting all the spots filled on the first day so we were happy about that but felt guilty that we did not add more spots and purchase more materials.”

Nevertheless, students are excited for the gingerbread house decorating competition.

“I am participating in a gingerbread house making competition because I think it will be fun,” sophomore Reeyana Rahman said. “I’ve always wanted to decorate a gingerbread house but never had the opportunity to, so I just think it’ll be a fun activity to do with my friends.”

Rahman believes her baking and decorating skills will be a great asset to her team during this competition.

“I feel like I will definitely excel in this competition because I’ve been decorating cakes and cupcakes for a long time,” Rahman said. “When it comes to baking and the decorative aspects I’ve grown to become better at it,” 

Lyon hopes the competition helps bring students together and get into the spirit of the holidays.

“I think this contest is going to help bring people together since it has the team aspect to it,” Lyon said. “It will also get people to get more involved with activities at the school.”