Library aide applications open
Library aide applications for the 2023-24 school year have opened. The role entails mainly shelving books and decorating the library.
January 12, 2023
Applications have opened for students to become a library aide for the 2023-24 school year.
“It is a class period in your normal schedule. You help check in and check out books, you help reshelve,” librarian Chelsea Hamilton said. “I really utilize my library aides when it comes to activities and events and decorations in the library to really make it more of a student-centered space.”
For senior Joanna Boss, the work is not too extensive, and just hanging around the library is enjoyable.
“The biggest thing, especially for people who are just coming in is shelving books, but it’s pretty easy,” Boss said. “I’ve been hanging out in the library a lot, and I was doing the volunteer opportunities that she had set up, so it just seemed like a really natural fit.”
Hamilton thinks the library aide positions are a good opportunity for all students, not just ones that like to read.
“I think it is more fun if you are a reader because you are in a room full of books, but anybody who is self-motivated has a lot of ideas,” she said. “It is also good for people who want to, are a little shy and kind of wanna break out of their shell a little bit cause you are interacting with people who come in.”