Wingspan: When and why did you start playing golf?
Gaynor: “A year ago just to play high school golf.”
Wingspan: What is your favorite part about golf?
Gaynor: “Favorite part is when I hit a bomb down the green.”
Wingspan: Who is your biggest inspiration and why?
Gaynor: “Biggest inspiration is Max Homa. He has a good attitude and great technique.”
Wingspan: Who is your biggest supporter?
Gaynor: “Biggest supporter is my family, I go golfing with them all the time.”
Wingspan: What has been your biggest challenge in golf?
Gaynor: “Biggest challenge in golf is missing three foot putts. Those can be costly.”
Wingspan: How has golf impacted your life?
Gaynor: “Golf has impacted my life by taking all my money. It’s very costly.”
Wingspan: Thoughts on how the season has gone so far this year?
Gaynor: “I haven’t done too well but the team has done solid. I hope to improve as we continue.”
Wingspan: What are your future plans with golf?
Gaynor: “Future plans are to end this year with solid scores. And for senior year to shoot some decent scores.”